“I was not treated as a charity case, but as an equal”

“I was not treated as a charity case, but as an equal”

Tepeyac was my third OB/GYN office,” notes Elise, as she describes her journey to discovering life-affirming medicine. “The first GYN I visited asked me what birth control method I was going to use. When I mentioned I would use NFP, she asked, ‘What’s that?’ When I...

Patient Story: Lydia K.

My name is Lydia K., and I would like to share how I came into contact with Tepeyac. Some years ago we moved to Virginia. I was pregnant with our third child. Through Catholic friends we had just met, we learned about a great pro-life OB/GYN practice which would not...

Women in Need Mini Patient Stories

Jocelyn She was jobless and her partner was without a secure job. That was the situation when Jocelyn found herself pregnant and reported to the Metro Women’s Center for help. The Center referred her to Tepeyac OB/GYN—where, to her intense surprise and tremendous...

Honoring St. James: Maria’s Story

In the waning days of summer 2017, eighteen-year- old Maria wasn’t surprised or shocked to find herself pregnant with her first child. She was, however, a most vulnerable young mother. Unmarried and uninsured, she had no access to Medicaid. A friend agreed to help her...

A Reluctant Immigrant’s Choice: Muhammad’s Story

To say that Muhammad was your classic reluctant immigrant would be to understate the matter considerably. In 2002, when he began working as an interpreter for the U.S. Army in his home country, he had entertained no thought of ever leaving the land where he had been...